Prospect Hill

Junior School

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To value and respect everyone in our school, in our community, and globally

  • Positivity
  • Resilience
  • Opportunities
  • Understanding
  • Determination


The Story of our Curriculum - click below


Our Curriculum Intent


Our P.R.O.U.D values underpin everything we do in school and feed into our curriculum. They provide an environment where our children can become independent thinkers – where their curiosity can be nurtured and their knowledge of the world can be developed.



We want our children to be happy in school and develop positive relationships with others, through collaborative learning. We want them to recognise the importance of having healthy minds and bodies and understand what affects their well-being.



We recognise that the world continues to change rapidly. We want our children to develop life skills needed in an ever-changing world. This includes thriving on challenges that test your brain!



We want our children to be offered a range of stimulating learning experiences – both inside and outside of the classroom – so that they reach their full potential. We value practical, first-hand experiences as well as the opportunity to showcase our learning.



We want our children to be able to make connections with different areas of learning. This includes connections with the past - so that they can make sense of the present and consider the future. It also means studying other countries and cultures to notice similarities and differences and encourage tolerance towards others.



We want our children to develop enquiring minds and have the determination to see problems through to their resolution. We want them to strive to be the best they can be, taking pride in their work across the whole curriculum.



Our Whole school Curriculum has been designed carefully to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum as well as the needs of our Prospect Hill children in the 21st century.


We have developed cross-curricular topics - with History, Geography, Science and Reading as our main drivers. Reading is at the heart of our curriculum, with rich texts being carefully selected to help children make sense of new learning. (One such example is ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’ which takes the Year 6s back in time to WWII and the Blitz before being taken on a journey of an evacuee.)


The other foundation subjects: Art, Design & Technology, Music, ICT & computing and PSHE run through each of the topics, and are taught in blocks within every term. They use the context of the topic but focus on developing knowledge, skills and vocabulary in that area. For example: moulding ancient Egyptian amulets out of clay in art; designing and making a wooden toy on wheels for a WWII child; composing under the sea music; creating their own computer game linked to outer space and debating the fairness of a civilisation, in PSHE. 


In addition, French is taught each week following the Jolie Ronde scheme and RE is taught (in mini topics each term) following the Nottinghamshire Agreed Syllabus. PE is taught every week (in half term blocks) covering dance, athletics, gymnastics, invasion games, multi-skills, swimming and outdoor adventurous activity.


To ensure that we have a clear progression of knowledge, skills and vocabulary, for each subject area, throughout key stage 2, we have devised our own progression sheets, teaching sequences and assessment guidance.


Our intention is that children are better equipped to make sense of the world they live in – by understanding where they fit geographically into the world and where they fit into global history. A whole school approach has been adopted. In term 1, all children focus on Worksop and the surrounding area, as well as British history. In term 2, the children take their learning further afield and further back in time – to learn from other civilisations. In term 3, the children consider their impact on the world and its future. We have maps and a timeline in the school hall (as well as in every classroom) so that each year group can see where their piece of learning fits into the big picture.

Our Whole School Overview for the year

For this term's work please see the Children section of the website and go to Class Pages.

If you would like any additional information regarding the curriculum please e-mail Mrs S Ferullo on: 
