Prospect Hill

Junior School

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To value and respect everyone in our school, in our community, and globally

  • Positivity
  • Resilience
  • Opportunities
  • Understanding
  • Determination


PE Statement of Intent


Physical Education is an essential part of the curriculum, which promotes positive attitudes towards a healthy, active lifestyle and contributes to pupil’s physical development and well-being. We endeavour to ensure that children have opportunities to develop their ability and attitudes within a safe and supportive environment, by providing motivating, enjoyable and appropriately challenging learning experiences for all pupils.


Our aims for PE are:

  • To inspire children’s engagement, enjoyment and confidence in all facets of physical activity.
  • To develop skilful use of the body, increasing control, coordination and fluency which will allow pupils to excel in sport and physical activity.
  • To encourage children to work independently and also with others, using effective communication, in a range of group situations.
  • To develop the way in which children apply and follow rules and conventions for different activities.
  • To develop an understanding of the effects of exercise on the body, and an appreciation of the value of a healthy lifestyle.
  • To encourage children to recognise and celebrate their own and others successes, and to consider where and how they can improve.
  • To develop and embed values such as fairness, resilience, respect and teamwork, by providing them with opportunities for healthy competition.


Below is our general overview of skill progression for Physical Education.

For our sport/activity specific skills progressions, see the document below:

Teaching Sequences

Teaching sequences have been carefully planned for every unit of work, so that our children can develop the substantive knowledge and disciplinary knowledge needed for Key stage 2. We consider previous learning so that children can build on what they know. We think about the vocabulary they will need to understand and use, and explicity teach this in lessons. 


All teaching sequences start with a context box; these have been developed to give teachers a useful overview. Below is an example:



Lessons are planned so that knowledge, skills and vocabulary to be explicity taught are clear:


