Do I need to keep my child off school?
Changes to Penalty Charge Notices - August 2024 onwards
Please see the letter below.
Regular attendance at school is vital to your child’s education. If your child is absent from school, please telephone, call into the office or send a written note in explanation of the absence. We operate a 1st day of absence procedure, and school will ring or text you if we do not hear from you. We ask that you contact the school office every morning during your child's period of absence.
Any requests for ‘leave of absence’ need to be made on forms available from the School Office.
A fining system implemented by Nottinghamshire County Council is in place for parents taking their children on holiday within school term time. All penalty finances go to the County Council not the school. Please see the link below for their webpage relating to this. Should you feel that there are exceptional circumstances surrounding your request for leave of absence, please ensure you include these in the 'leave of absence' form. The requests are discussed by Ms Lumb with a member of our Governing Body to decide whether they are deemed to be exceptional or are classed as unauthorised. The decision will be made on a case by case basis.
We work alongside Early Help Team so if your child’s attendance is a cause for concern we will make a referral to them.
We keep the Register open for 15 minutes after the start of the school day. If your child arrives after this they will receive a late mark. Persistent lateness will result in the involvement of Targeted Support Service.
Our aim is to have no unauthorised absences.
If your child is taken ill at school we will make every effort to get in touch with you. It is therefore vital that we have up-to-date contact numbers. We must also have at least two emergency contacts on file for your child. This is in line with the Keeping Children Safe in Education Regulations.
Certificates are presented weekly to the class with best attendance. We follow up any ‘lates’, as well as children with more than the usual level of non-attendance. Children who achieve 100% for the term have their names put on our roll of honour.