Prospect Hill

Junior School

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To value and respect everyone in our school, in our community, and globally

  • Positivity
  • Resilience
  • Opportunities
  • Understanding
  • Determination

School Values

Our Mission Statement:

Be Proud at Prospect

Where working together will achieve success


Our Ethos/Vision:


To value and respect everyone in our school, in our community and globally


Our Values:




Opportunities to achieve our potential




Our Aims:


Positivity:  To be a happy school by encouraging positive relationships with everyone

Resilience: To further develop the life skills needed in an ever-changing world

Opportunities to achieve our full potential: To make learning a fun and enjoyable experience

To be a safe and stimulating place where we can learn and achieve our best

Understanding:  To encourage a caring and respectful attitude to all people and to all things

Determination:  To give our pupils a broad and balanced curriculum which encourages creativity and independence and determination


PROUD: To celebrate and be proud of our achievements


Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural Mission Statement


In an ever changing world, our children here at Prospect Hill Junior School are continually supported to be the individual they want to be through expressing their own thoughts, feelings and beliefs regardless of age, gender, nationality, culture, LBGTQ. As members of staff within our school we strive to provide an inclusive environment that promotes and encourages diversity. We encourage our children to be polite, thoughtful and respectful at all times. This enables us all to celebrate and be part of a supportive community who enjoy learning and interacting within our school, the wider community and as global citizens within modern Britain.


Written by

All the staff of Prospect Hill Junior School 
