Prospect Hill

Junior School

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To value and respect everyone in our school, in our community, and globally

  • Positivity
  • Resilience
  • Opportunities
  • Understanding
  • Determination




At Prospect Hill Junior School we want children to explore, question, trial, spot patterns, generalise and solve problems in Maths. We follow the guidance from the White Rose Hub and provide the children with weekly opportunities to develop mathematical skills, new age-appropriate knowledge and time to apply their skills to reason and solve mathematical problems. By using real life contexts, this helps children to develop skills they can use in their everyday lives. It gives Maths meaning. It makes Maths more fun! We encourage the use of mathematical skills in all areas of the curriculum to reinforce the importance of maths in all aspects of life and learning.



  • To develop arithmetic skills appropriate to the child’s stage of learning
  • To build on skills learnt, by extending knowledge of mathematical operations throughout the key stage
  • To encourage the children to talk confidently about maths and use their knowledge to reason about a variety of mathematical ideas and concepts
  • To develop  the children’s knowledge of shape and space and instil the skill to manipulate shape correctly using the intended vocabulary
  • To provide children with the skills and understanding to create and interpret a range of data graphs and charts
  • To allow the children the opportunity to develop a range of problem solving skills to apply to a range of different problems
  • To promote resilience when tackling challenging problems so that additional problem solving and correction can be developed


There are key mathematical objectives set out in the 2014 maths curriculum for all year groups in school. The objectives set out ensure that the children develop their knowledge of place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Additional areas of maths studied across the key stage are: fractions ,ratio and proportion, algebra, measurements, shape and position and statistics.

Please see below the expectations for each year group:

Long Term Overview and Suggested Timetable

The following document highlights when each area of the expected maths curriculum is to be taught,

Long Term Overview and Timetable

Small Steps for Learning

The following documents highlight how the blocked areas of the curriculum are broken down into smaller learning objectives.

Expected Progression of Mathematical Vocabulary

We use Times Tables Rock Stars to develop and practise times tables recall for all children in school.

Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice, that enables all children to develop their knowledge of multiplication and division facts at their own stage of learning in a fun, interactive and rewarding activity!


Please click on the link above to access the pupil login page on the Times Tables Rock Stars Website for Prospect Hill Junior School.
