Design & Technology
Our DT topics.
- To instil a curiosity of how things are constructed and made.
- To develop an interest into different areas of DT and the process involved in making a final product.
- To encourage children to be independent thinkers when choosing how to carry out their own DT work.
- To encourage children to be critical thinkers in order to evaluate both existing products and their own final DT work.
- To develop skills needed when choosing appropriate tools for the task using tools to produce a final product.
- To relate our learning in DT to real life and look for opportunities where learnt skills can be used.
In every year group we have 3 main elements of the DT curriculum; Food Technology, card/wood work and textiles.
There are 3 elements to the teaching and learning process for DT in each year group and are as follows:
- Research
- Planning and Design
- Materials to create and make.
Here is the progression of skills grid to show our expectations for our DT curriculum in each year group:
Teaching Sequences
Teaching sequences have been carefully planned for every unit of work - so that our children can develop the substantive knowledge and disciplinary knowledge needed for Key Stage 2. We consider previous learning so that children can build on what they know. We think about the vocabulary they will need to understand and use and this is explicitly taught in lessons.