Prospect Hill

Junior School

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To value and respect everyone in our school, in our community, and globally

  • Positivity
  • Resilience
  • Opportunities
  • Understanding
  • Determination

Remote Learning

Remote Learning due to school closures.


We use remote Learning if and when school is closed during term time. This could be due to severe weather, like snow. 


Teachers are able to set work virtually so that children can continue with their learning.


All you need is a device that accesses the internet, like a laptop, tablet or mobile phone, but please ensure online safety at all times by having your adult check first.


To start your virtual lessons, please click on the correct Year group below. Once there, you will be able to click on the links for Maths, English and topic. Each link refers to a lesson so take breaks in between.


You may want to record what you have learnt to show your teacher. This can be done on paper or on screen (ie Google Slides / Word). Alternatively, you can tell your teacher everything you have learnt when you go back to school.


Good luck! 
