Prospect Hill

Junior School

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To value and respect everyone in our school, in our community, and globally

  • Positivity
  • Resilience
  • Opportunities
  • Understanding
  • Determination


Our Intent


Science is about understanding the world around them and how everything works. As well as learning important Scientific concepts, theories and vocabulary, we want the children to have plenty of opportunities to work scientifically.


Our aims are for our children:


  • to know and understand the life processes of living things
  • to know and understand the physical processes of materials, electricity, light, sound and forces
  • to know about the nature of the solar system, including Earth
  • to ask scientific questions
  • to be guided in how to plan experiments and investigations (learning about fair testing)
  • to be encouraged to work collaboratively with others - sharing the tasks and the equipment
  • to learn how to use equipment correctly in order to measure accurately to collect accurate results
  • to be offered lots of opportunities for discussion: making predictions, noticing patterns, making observations, talking about the results and what they have discovered
  • value our environment and learn how we can use our scientific knowledge to find ways to look after our planet


  • to be shown how experiments can be recorded on paper for others to learn from

Our Science topics


Each year group has 6 areas of learning for Science and are as follows:


Year 3:

Rocks and Soils

Bones and muscles

Light and shadows


Trees and plants

Healthy Eating



Year 4:





Solids, liquids & gases

Food chains



Year 5:

Reversible changes

Irreversible changes


The solar system





Year 6:


Electrical circuits

Blood and circulation


Classifying living things



Here is the progression of skills sheet for 'working scientifically'. This is the disciplinary knowledge that is developed over key stage 2 and runs through all our science topics...

Teaching Sequences

Teaching sequences have been carefully planned for every unit of work - so that our children can develop the substantive knowledge and disciplinary knowledge needed for Key Stage 2. We consider previous learning so that children can build on what they know. We think about the vocabulary they will need to understand and use and this is explicitly taught in lessons.

All teaching sequences start with a context box. These have been developed to give teachers a useful overview and look like this:

Lessons are planned so that knowledge, skills and vocabulary can be explicitly taught:
