Welcome to our school website. We are delighted that you have taken the time and the trouble to find out something about our school. All the staff and Governors at Prospect Hill Junior School seek to provide a positive and happy working environment where children are valued for their academic and social worth.
Our principal aim is to ensure that every child reaches their full potential and experiences a broad and balanced curriculum. We endeavour to produce lifelong learners who will relish the challenges that our rapidly changing world has to offer both now and in the future.
We are constantly striving to educate the whole child and give them a variety of experiences, so they can become lifelong learners. Being committed to constant self review enables us to continually put the child at the centre of the education we provide.
The school is situated in the town of Worksop, Nottinghamshire. We are a community school for Key Stage 2 pupils (Years 3 to 6). We have 2 classes in each year group. Our maximum number on roll is 240.
The School Council meets every week and has been responsible for a number of significant developments. We believe that everybody who attends our school should impact on its development and that as a school we need to act upon pupil and parental opinions.
Involving the local community is an important priority and a genuine partnership between home and school has developed. The school realises that it plays an important part in raising the expectations of the local community. We are constantly reviewing our position and aiming to develop our provision, all aimed at raising achievement and maximising learning. Gaining excellence is our constant motivation.
Our curriculum is cross curricular in approach.
Working with all our stakeholders has added to our success.
If you would like more details about the school please do not hesitate to contact us or pop in for a visit. After all it is the best way to see how we operate.
Thank you for taking the time to access our website, I hope you found it a worthwhile and interesting experience. If you have any comments to make please let us know as we are continually striving to update and amend the information we provide.
Ms R Lumb