History Statement of Intent
History provides our children with a knowledge of changes and events in the past and throughout the world, and how they have impacted upon lives today, in Modern Britain.
Our aims for history are:
- To instil in the children a curiosity and understanding of events, places and people in various times and environments.
- To develop an interest in the past and an appreciation of human achievements and aspirations.
- To learn about the major events and changes in the history of our own country, and of the world, and how these events may have influenced our lives in Modern Britain.
- To develop a knowledge of chronology within which the children can organise their understanding of the past.
- To understand how the past was different from the present, with a focus on people’s change in values and attitudes.
- To engage children in the process of enquiry, by equipping them with the skills required to interpret primary and secondary source materials.
- To encourage children to form their own opinions on historical events and issues and be able to clearly explain their reasoning.
The concepts of chronology, enquiry and interpretation, significance and knowledge of events, people and changes in the past are covered each term, within topics based around a key enquiry question which is related to a specific event, era, civilisation or person.
Year 3:
Britain in the Stone Age
The Ancient Greeks
A British legend: Robin Hood
Year 4:
The Vikings (raiders and settlers)
The Romans
A British icon: David Attenborough
Year 5:
The Victorians
The Ancient Egyptians
Developments in space travel and its impact over time
Year 6:
World War II
The Mayans
Charles Darwin
Click below for our progression of skills document for History:
Teaching sequences
Teaching sequences have been carefully planned for every History unit - so that our children can develop the substantive knowledge and disciplinary knowledge needed for Key Stage 2. We consider previous learning so that children can build on what they have already learnt. We consider the vocabulary they will need to understand and use, and this is explicitly taught in lessons.