Prospect Hill

Junior School

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To value and respect everyone in our school, in our community, and globally

  • Positivity
  • Resilience
  • Opportunities
  • Understanding
  • Determination

Breakfast & After School Enrichment Clubs

After School Clubs



We have a timetable of enrichment after school clubs that the children can attend. All clubs will run from the end of the school day until 4.15pm.  Letters are available for the next block of sessions on the letters section of the school website:


Each club will be £4.00 per session and it will be a one off payment for the block. If you are Free School Meals then a discounted amount will be available to you on sQuid.


If you wish for your child to walk home after the school club has finished, you must contact their class teacher and inform them of the arrangements.


Please contact the School Office if you have any questions regarding this enrichment provision.  Many thanks. 


Breakfast Club


Please note that a new booking system and payment system commenced January 2024. 

Please see the letters section of the website. 


The Breakfast Club runs 7.45am to 8.45am every day (drop off is at the reception main entrance) and spaces are limited in line with health and safety requirements.   


Breakfast will consist of a carton of juice, individually wrapped pastry, brunch bar and fruit.  


The cost of Breakfast Club is £4 per session.  Payment of the sessions will be via sQuid.  Please note there will be no refunds provided for sessions not used.   


If you would like to use the breakfast club service, it will need to be booked in advance via sQuid. Once offers become "live" on sQuid, places are booked on a first come first served basis. No ad hoc bookings are accepted. 


Please contact the school office if you require any further information.
